Helping a Friend in Need……Scandal??!!

I have been following the proceedings going on  during Question Hour and reflecting on the whole situation, I would like to take my hat off to Mr. Nigel Wright……he is indeed ‘right’!

Suppose one of us was in the situation of having to repay a large sum of money, a debt of our own making and then being in an agony to pay it since we did not have the funds.   Then a good friend comes and helps out from his own pocket (supposedly we would have to repay in instalments or whatever).     Would you charge or make the name of the man who helped his friend  something ugly and on the verge of criminal proceedings.     This is the case with Mr.Wright and he does not need condemnation but congratulations for standing up to help a human being albeit a friend.     I may say that the Opposition are turning this whole situation into an unrealistic picture and an illusion, which many people are falling into for want of ‘common sense’.

I would also like to comment on the belligerent attitude and behavior of the Opp.Leader which makes viewing Question Hour  a distaste and which makes one think that this is so opposed to ‘parliamentary manners’ and natural human code of behavior.

What the RCMP has done is fine and if punishment is to be made to Senators guilty, that’s fine, but Mr. Wright is right and should not be involved.     Let this matter take its judicial course and not be subjected to nasty comments and long winded inputs which tire the public and waste taxpayer’s money.    My comments are not colored in any way since I do not know nor have I met Mr.Wright.

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Telephone Merry-Go-Round

Have you ever been on a telephone ride round the world?  Well I have and it happened this way.

My printer was making ‘knocking noises’ though the printing was okay, after it settled.  Curious to know how to solve this problem, I phoned the number given on the Instruction Sheet, which, incidentally was printed in China.   I found myself talking to someone from US, who put me on to someone in the Phillippines, who put me on to someone in California, who gave me the original telephone number, which got me to India!!     Wow!   After a few pleasantries, since the location was in Calcutta , I was told that the calls were all free!  (I hope so).     The person from Calcutta informed me that they were giving out new printers at a discounted price and it would be sent to my doorstep.   The old printer had to be put into a box/bag with a label and sent to a Courier who would return it, I suppose, to India?

I must say after this telephone merry-go-round with the problem not solved, I was totally exhausted and decided to post this in wordpress.    Thank God it was a rainy day so I could spend all this time and energy indoors.   Finally I decided to go to the outlet from which I originally purchased the printer and deal with them.

How very complicated can our lives get………simplification is urgent if we are to remain sane and creative.

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Telephone Merry-Go-Round

Have you ever been on a telephone ride round the world?  Well I have and it happened this way.

My printer was making ‘knocking noises’ though the printing was okay, after it settled.  Curious to know how to solve this problem, I phoned the number given on the Instruction Sheet, which, incidentally was printed in China.   I found myself talking to someone from US, who put me on to someone in the Phillippines, who put me on to someone in California, who gave me the original telephone number, which got me to India!!     Wow!   After a few pleasantries, since the location was in Calcutta , I was told that the calls were all free!  (I hope so).     The person from Calcutta informed me that they were giving out new printers at a discounted price and it would be sent to my doorstep.   The old printer had to be put into a box/bag with a label and sent to a Courier who would return it, I suppose, to India?

I must say after this telephone merry-go-round with the problem not solved, I was totally exhausted and decided to post this in wordpress.    Thank God it was a rainy day so I could spend all this time and energy indoors.   Finally I decided to go to the outlet from which I originally purchased the printer and deal with them.

How very complicated can our lives get………simplification is urgent if we are to remain sane and creative.

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The title I have invoked for this blog is what appeared on posters being displayed by protesters.How well put. In today’s world where there is little or no respect for elders, when most of them are in senior housing complexes or in permanent care units, assisted suicide seems to be the best thing……or is it?

Canada Day 1st July was celebrated and the national anthem was sung from pillar to post. It always brings tears to my eyes when the anthem is sung, be it on the sports field or on Canada Day.  The composer of the music, Calixa Lavallee, had a great patriotic spirit which one can feel in the words and the music.What struck me hard, after 9 years in Canada, were the words “God keep our land glorious and free…Oh Canada! we stand on guard for thee.”

Words mean nothing sometimes in today’s world.  We ask God to keep our land glorious and free and in the next breath we dishonor the God who has set us free by not choosing his will and commands, which are all for happiness, not destruction.

Our living is so counter-cultural to that of our Founding Fathers and this great composer of the national anthem.   Can we truly ask God to keep our land glorious and free when we are opposing him on many many counts?

-God is creator and gives life and we are advocating assisted suicide for elders

Hospitals have become ‘god’ to take the life of elderly people by a needle or in other ways.

-God does not deny life and every baby born means hope for humankind. Yet again human ‘gods’ take away the life of unborn babies.

-Advocating gay alliances and calling these ‘marriage’ is an affront to the very nature of man and woman and their responsibility to be fruitful.

-In the Newcomer Settlement Guide 2011 to Ontario, the Minister of Citizenship ,Immigration and multiculturalism welcomed immigrants in a very warm and encouraging manner. Yet it is the immigrants , be they young, old or middle-aged that face discrimination in different spheres of life.

As a citizen, I would not choose any other country but Canada to live in as it has many other positive points. However if our policies and decisions fail to include God’s law and plan, which is based on Justice,, Canada too will disintegrate as other countries have.

From the bottom of my heart I cry out “God bless our land glorious and free’ ..then only can we ‘stand on guard for thee.’

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I am ‘Useful’…..a plastic bag

Useful I am, and was filled with bottles of sauce and jam which my lady purchased from Wally. The lady was happy the plastic bag was not heavy, adding to the weight of the bottles.  I was brought home in my lady’s buggy and though it was a cold day, I was warm among two other plastic bags.    Once home the bottles were taken out and put in the fridge.  I with other bags, now empty, were put into a box in the store till further use.  My lady did cleaning every Saturday and so I was needed to be fixed in the kitchen waste rack.   After three days I was emptied and kept for another spell.     When the weekend came, together with kitchen waste I was thrown down the chute for garbage clearance.       Isn’t this COOL ….a plastic bag for 5 cents served so many functions till sent down the chute.     Other plastic bags in the lady’s store were used to send food to the less fortunate, or taken to the bank filled with papers .   Some were taken to the post office with letters for despatch.     No plastic bag ever got thrown away in the first instance..  

What a shock to read that plastic bags will be banned in Toronto from 2013.   How do people take decisions? Is it just on feelings…….doesn’t advantages and disadvantages of taking a decision surface anywhere in these matters?      If decisions were taken on advantages/disadvantages  to the people, especially the elderly, one would see that plastic bags are very very useful.  Doing away with them altogether will cause a lot of trouble to people, because cloth bags are double heavy when stuff is put into them.      As a plastic bag, I am useful..I have a right to be of service to people especially as I have been in use for many, many years now.  Maybe sights need to be on other items which cause more damage to the environment than, me, Useful, plastic bag. 

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Robot World

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Student Protests

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From the mouth of babes!!……Your torchlight

Hello,  have you ever been in the dark, groping for light. Maybe a torch light, or folding light or pen lights.    Well try this since all these work with batteries.    Put in the required batteries in the same way…..what happens… light.     Now try again, put in the batteries one way the other way……complementary.   Wow! there is the light and you are happy.

The point I am introducing through this simple method is that ‘marriage’ for more than 2000 years has been between a man and a woman in love but not only that, for the purpose of procreation, to help the human race increase and multiply.     Now the fact is that people of the same sex, whether men or women, will not and cannot bring about the fruit…the light….children.   The ‘batteries’ are going in the same way…..    Each partner in a marriage plays diferent roles to bring about an addition/s for the human race.      People of the same sex joining together can be called by any other name except marriage, which is something special delivered in a religious rite with a sense of commitment.     Same sex ‘error’ alliances which I call them will intersify the  ‘darkness’ on all fronts which the world is experiencing today.      Please give this serious thought and refrain from calling something  ‘unnatural’ for whatever reason by a sacred term known as ‘marriage’.

I do hope those who read this will see the light.  More to come.






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Hospital jitters for the elderly

I met many elders who are fearful about going to the hospital.  There seems to be an unspoken fear that if after 70 years you are admitted into a hospital for treatment, or surgery, you will never come back.

I asked why is this?  I was told that the health scheme at the moment is running out of money and so if you are old, funds cannot be used on you.    Instead you are given some drug that puts you into a coma and you are plugged on to machines , kept like that for some days, without consciousness.

After a week or so the family of the person is approached to say that there is no hope and it would be better to ‘pull the plug’ and let the person go.

While I do not have concrete facts to confirm or not the above fear voiced by a number of seniors, I do know of two cases where this happened.   I am not in a position to build a case on this .   However it is a little frightening and hopefully the Medical Authorities would like to investigate this and reassure the older people that this is not the case.

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